Rule 1: No Abusive Language or Swearing towards a player (Slap once each time a player swears to a player, after two slaps the player will be Kicked OR Muted)
Rule 2: No Spawncamping or Spawn killing (Slap once each time a player spawncamps, after two slaps the player will be kicked)
Rule 3: No AutoAim (Ban With Demo ONLY)
Rule 4: No AutoShoot (Ban With Demo ONLY)
Rule 5: No Wallhacking (Ban With Demo ONLY)
Rule 6: No Imitating A Clan Member/Admin (Slap, Kick or Ban)
Rule 7: No Spamming (Slap once each time a player spam's, after two slaps the player will be kicked)
Rule 8: No Swearing At/Abusing/Insulting (Slap, Kick OR Mute) (Clan Leaders Can Temp-Ban Players Doing This)
Rule 9: No Glitching (Slap, Kick)
Rule 10: No Blocking/Smoking Team-mates (Slap, Kick) (Clan Leaders Can Temp-Ban Players Doing This)
Could you locate the rules violated or giving a reason banishment please.